Natsuko Kono
dance and performance
dance: Natsuko Kono
music: Vladimir Rašković
it is about the concept of time in universe how is it used by humans in modern society. strange individual represents the timesavings Bank and promote the idea of time saving among the population, time which can be deposited to the Bank and returnto client later with interest. They then make people forget all about them, but not cbout the resolution to save as much time as possible "for later use". life becomes sterile, devoid of all things considered time-wasting, like social activities, recreation, art, imagination, or even sleeping. Buildings and clothing are made exactly the samefor everyone and the rhythms of life become hectic. In reality, the more time people save, the less they have. Same thing with emotion..?
'Through this piece, let's try to empty our brain and emotion and just follow the gravity then see where we can reach to. Forget about past, forget about future, forget about time. Just be there and stay real and honest with your feelings. Trust in each moment and then disappear from this world '- Natsuko Kono
Life Under The Water
dance: Natsuko Kono
music: Vladimir Rašković
What can you see on the surface of water? What do you reflect? Reality maybe? Or curiosity of what is underneath the water?
Real life exists there.
For a human being under water, there are different experiences than being on the ground. Gravity, temperature, air, touch and sound and etc.
Rain drops and meets water, like people jumping into a new environment. It is sensational and constant stream.
Natsuko believes she came out from the sea.
This piece was created together with a musician, Vladimir Rašković in Novi Sad, Serbia in 2013. It represents how to deal with political issues in this world, as well as life and death.Water can save many lives. Water can betray you like Tsunami sweeping many lives away. This is a contrast of negative-positive or brightness-darkness.But the earth is round and life and death are next to each other as one. Which is up, which is down? What is normal? What is abnormal? What is right? What is wrong? What is true? What is false? What is reality? Happiness and sadness. These ideas cannot exist without each other.
This piece is also inspired by Natsuko's own personal experience: as a swimmer, Tsunami, curiosity for unknown world, mystery and reality, the10,000 meters deep trench off the coast of Japan, change of temperature, betrayal, low oxygen etc.
Questioning also what is really going on there underwater at Fukushima nuclear power station ?
dance: Natsuko Kono
music: fragole*ciocolata
photo © frau luna
It is believed that man evolved from the sea.
Standing on the earth, the human body feels seven times heavier than in water. Humans evolved joints to support themselves, but the pain in their backs is telling them their evolution is not complete.
Hanging in between the past and the future
Standing on an unbalanced walkway.
Where are we travelling to? Forwards or backwards?
How does the timeline of each individual relate to each other’s journey?
Natsuko grew up in the city centre of Kobe, Japan, and was 19 years old when the earthquake struck. This event marked the halfway point in her current timeline on this earth.
In this solo, she is asking how her life experience can speak through her work as an “Urban Butoh Dancer”.
Mirror into Mirror
dance: Natsuko Kono
music: Kosei Yamamoto
God creates us how we are. We are unable to see what we look like. Why? Only through mirrors or reflections we can see ourselves.
Can we trust only what we see with our eyes? No! We have more senses to feel things. It maybe looks different the other way around in a mirror world, as in 'Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There'
Natsuko researched about puppet plays and trained as both a puppet and a puppeteer.
With these elements she explores what is going on in the endless world in a three-way mirror.
This piece is inspired by Michael Ende's 'Mirror in the Mirror'